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The Bicentenial Man And Other Stories

by Isaac Asimov

Cover artist unknown

Publisher: Fawcett Crest

Pub year: 1976

Cover price: $1.95


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Book detail for The Bicentenial Man And Other Stories

Cover tagline

A dozen dazzling tales by the superstar of science fiction

Back cover text

Astounding Asimov in 12 sublimely imaginative stories of robots, rebels and computerized rogues

A family affair becomes a problem in an age when parents who repeat are perverse and the perfect brother is an only child...
Stranger In Paradise

An upwardly mobile robot, endowed by his creator to himself create art, learns about life the hard way when he decides the time has come to be more of a man...
The Bicentennial Man

A mega-computer that girdles the world finds that it can manipulate the destinies of all of the people — almost all of the time...
The Life and Times of Multivac

And more....

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Interior text

A.D. 2076

Fact: President Hugo Allen Winkler and his robot look-alike are both present at the July 4th Tercentennial celebration.

Fact: An assassin's disintegrator fires.

Unknown: Which one of the "Presidents" has survived?

The Tercentenary Incident