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Star Short Novels

Edited by Frederik Pohl

Cover artist unknown

Publisher: Ballantine

Pub year: 1954

Cover price: 35¢


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Cover tagline

Brilliant and challenging fiction by
Theodore Sturgeon
Lester Del Rey
Jessamyn West

Back cover text

Imagination is the Key...

to this remarkable collection of short novels by two acknowledged masters of fantasy — and the distinguished and best-selling author, Jessamyn West.

Startling different, vividly real — these three novels open onto the world beyond appearances ... the fascinating world of what might be.

This is an original collection — not a reprint. Each of these novels appears here in print for the first time.

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Interior text

Jessamyn West — author of such best-selling novels as Cress Delahanty and The Witch Diggers, makes her debut in fantasy with a story of our world as it might be if there were a sudden interchange of size — but nothing else — between children and adults.

Lester Del Rey — recognized master of brilliant and unpredictable science fiction, writes of a Kansas preacher, doubtful of his faith, who finds in universal holocaust a blinding vision of man's next religion.

Theodore Sturgeon — whose novel More Than Human has been acclaimed as one of the most unforgettable fantasies ever written, tells of an artist imprisoned by the past, and the strange girl who tries to rescue him with the gift of love.

Three gifted authors have here contributed their unique and diverse talents to bring you a truly distinguished collection of imaginative fiction.