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The Metal Monster

by A. Merritt

Cover artist: Richard Powers

Publisher: Avon

Pub year: 1941

Cover price: 35¢


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Book detail for The Metal Monster

Cover tagline

A science-fiction masterpiece — the story of a robot world without a heart!

Back cover text

The ultimate in science fiction

Hidden in the heart of unknown Asia, a fantastic world of living metal waited:

Monsters of solid metal, pulsating with an unearthly electric life, wise with wisdom not of this world — and dreaming of the day when the harder-than-steel horde, mountains high, could roll forth smashing and killing and flattening the world of mere humans!

Into this uncanny realm beyond time and space — this scientific world without a heart but with the ultimate power to destroy — wandered three modern men and a girl. THE METAL MONSTER is their story.

"One of Merritt's best — it ranks with The Moon Pool for color, imagination and sheer exciting adventure."
— The Fantasy Reader

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Interior text

Was Norhala human?

She seemed human — young, firm and beautiful, blushing and tender, loving and passionate — yet ruthless!

She seemed like a delicate virgin — but

And now in her fickle, maiden hands lay the fate of four Americans who had burst in upon her terrible secret — and the fate of their world!