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Star Trek

by James Blish

Cover artist: James E. Bama

Publisher: Bantam

Pub year:

Cover price: 60¢


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Book detail for Star Trek

Cover tagline

A chilling journey through worlds beyond imagination

Back cover text

Circling the solar sphere in search of new worlds and high adventure

Captain James Kirk — Assigned to the top position in Space Service — Starship Command — Kirk alone must make decisions in his contact with other worlds that can affect the future course of civilization throughout the Universe.

Science Officer Spock — Inheriting a precise, logical thinking pattern from his father, a native of the planet Vulcanis, Mr. Spock maintains a dangerous Earth trait ... an intense curiosity about things of alien origin.

Yeoman Rand — Easily the most popular member of the crew, the truly "out-of-this-world" blonde has drawn the important assignment of secretary to the Captain on her first mission in deep space.

With a crew of 400 skilled specialists, the mammoth space ship Enterprise blasts off for intergalactic intrigue in the unexplored realms of outer space.

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Interior text

Stories from airless wastes and uncharted worlds

Charlie's Law
A seventeen-year-old orphan from outer space turns out to be the galaxy's destructive weapon.

Dagger of the Mind
A scientist goes berserk and imprisons Kirk in the dread "Machine of Loneliness."

Balance of Terror
An outlaw planet suddenly imperils the safety of the whole galaxy.

The Unreal McCoy
A strange monster that can change its shape at will stalks the crew of the Enterprise.

And other tales of intergalactic adventure from Star Trek