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More Adventures In Time And Space

Edited by Raymond J. Healy and J. Francis McComas

Cover artist unknown

Publisher: Bantam

Pub year: 1955

Cover price: 25¢


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Book detail for More Adventures In Time And Space

Cover tagline

Startling — Arresting — Prophetic Stories of Science Fiction Selected from Adventures in Time and Space

Back cover text

"The basic science fiction collection...the one anthology essential to every reader."
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction

Here is the second volume of superbly imaginative stories selected from the great anthology, Adventures in Time and Space — brilliant explorations into the future, brought to you by giants in the field of Science Fiction — Robert A. Heinlein, Isaac Asimov, Alfred Bester, and Lewis Padgett. And Many, Many Others!

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Interior text

It Happened Tomorrow!

A wrong guess could destroy the human race. Was he going to find himself the last man on earth?
Adam and No Eve
Alfred Bester

The machinery that moved the highways was scientifically perfect, but deep under the earth a human pulled a switch — and civilization cracked.
The Roads Must Roll
Robert A. Heinlein

When Beta, the last sun, left the planet Lagash, then came terror, darkness and chaos.
Isaac Asimov

And other prophetic and imaginative tales of ordinary people living in the far-from-ordinary worlds which are yet to come.