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Earth's Last Fortress

by A.E. Van Vogt

Cover artist: Ed Emshwiller

Publisher: Ace

Pub year: 1960

Cover price: 35¢


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Book detail for Earth's Last Fortress

Cover tagline

Drafted for World's end!

Back cover text

Part of Ace Double: Lost in Space

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Interior text

Volunteers for the tomorrow front

It looked like a perfectly innocent store front, a volunteer enrollment office for young idealists who wanted to help the desperate forces of a young democracy overseas win their civil war. The young girl who sat at the desk inside was attractive, sympathetic, and would see that you got your passage safely.

But it was all a trap. It was indeed a recruiting station, but the war for which it brainwashed its deluded cannon fodder was out of this world — remote in time, remote in space, and nobody would ever return alive. As for the girl — she was as much a slave of that monstrous future-world machine as if she were chained to the desk.

Except for one thing that even the inhuman super-science of EARTH'S LAST FORTRESS did not suspect — that Norma was the secret lever that could shatter their universe!