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Adventures on Other Planets

Edited by Donald A. Wollheim

Cover artist: Edward Valigursky

Publisher: Ace

Pub year: 1955

Cover price: 25¢


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Cover tagline

Exciting science-fiction by Simak, Van Vogt, Leinster, Dee, Williams

Back cover text

All Aboard for Outer Space!

Already man is taking the first steps into space! The artificial satellite you've read about in the papers is but the first exciting step that will open up a universe of wonders. Here's a new science-fiction anthology that presents some of the astounding ADVENTURES ON OTHER PLANETS that may be awaiting us:

A clash with an incredible entity on Venus!

Mental wizardry on age-old Mars!

Man-hunt in a world of servile killers!

Battle of wits with a conqueror from Andromeda!

Filled with the exotic color and eerie inhabitants of distant worlds, these great science-fiction novelettes are written by the biggest names in fantasy: A.E. Van Vogt, Murray Leinster, Clifford D. Simak, Roger Dee, Robert Moore Williams

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Interior text

New Worlds to Conquer!

Want to go to Venus? Roger Dee takes you there in the company of an eerie interstellar monster whose unexpected arrival blows the lid off a terrifying problem!

Wondering about mysterious Mars? Robert Moore Williams clashes wits with a super-science civilization older than all humanity!

Awed by the distant stars? Murray Leinster and Clifford D. Simak present two powerful tales of spacemen battling the wonders and perils of alien skies.

Where do we go from there? A.E. Van Vogt poses the problem as the men of the far future contest with another galaxy with a universe as the prize.

ADVENTURES ON OTHER PLANETS is a new Ace science-fiction anthology — and that means tops in reading thrills!