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The Fifth Galaxy Reader

Edited by H.L. Gold

Cover artist unknown

Publisher: Pocket Books

Pub year: 1963

Cover price: 35¢


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Cover tagline

Fifteen superlative stories from the pages of the most widely read science fiction magazine in the world

Back cover text

The Stories in this Book

Inside John Barth
William W. Stuart

The Last Letter
Fritz Leiber

Perfect Answer
L.J. Stecher, Jr.

Double Dare
Robert Silverberg

Pastoral Affair
Charles A. Stearns

Black Charlie
Gordon R. Dickson

$1,000 a Plate
Jack McKenty

Take Wooden Indians
Avram Davidson

The Bitterest Pill
Frederik Pohl

This Side Up
Raymond E. Banks

The Eel
Miriam Allen DeFord

A Feast of Demons
William Morrison

Nightmare with Zeppelins
Frederik Pohl and C.M. Kornbluth

We Never Mention Aunt Nora
Paul Flehr

When the People Fell
Cordwainer Smith

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Interior text

Here are three short novels plus twelve stories, each by an acknowledged master of science fiction. Call them fanciful, if you will, but read them — for they are superb stories, artfully told, vastly entertaining. Each is written about what might be or might have been rather than what, at this moment, actually is.

For the birds, you say? Just couldn't be? Well, maybe, but are you sure? What odds would you have wanted, less than a decade ago, on Titov or John Glenn? Or even on an orbiting monkey?

Science fiction has been called, aptly, creative speculation of what has as yet to be proven true. It had attracted some of the most talented and vital authors writing today.

The editor of this collection, H.L. Gold, is also editor of the leading science fiction magazine Galaxy.