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Adventures in Time and Space

Edited by Raymond J. Healy and J. Francis McComas

Cover artist: Charles Binger

Publisher: Pennant

Pub year: 1954

Cover price: 25¢


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Cover tagline

Prophetic stories of science-fiction selected from Adventures in Time and Space

Back cover text

The World of Tomorrow
the world of space-ships and robots. A luxury-drugged world of incredible achievement and deadly weapons. A world of hope and horror.

The People of Tomorrow
the pioneers of the future. The men and women who challenge the stars and conquer the new frontiers of time and space.

"...should appeal ... to any reader with curiosity and imagination."
San Francisco Chronicle

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Interior text

Tomorrow — the last of a proud but vicious race threatens the universe in: Black Destroyer by A.E. Van Vogt

A hard-drinking young genius uses the fourth dimension to good advantage in: Time Locker by Lewis Padgett

A man risks death to fulfill a strange and wonderful dream in: Requiem by Robert A. Heinlein

And five other dramatic and imaginative stories of real people living in the world of the future.