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The World Swappers

by John Brunner

Cover artist: Kelly Freas

Publisher: Ace

Pub year: 1967

Cover price: 50¢


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Cover tagline

"Very enjoyable, very competent"
—Frederik Pohl, IF Science Fiction

Back cover text

New Planets for Old

The galaxy was caught in the crushing vice of a struggle for power. The political titans of the planets of mankind were making their bids for supremacy.

The contestants: Counce, man of strange powers, authority in the spheres of the intellect; and Bassett, man of money-power, financial and business wizard.

As the association of human words drew near the teetering edge of internal revolutions, one of these men would be in a position to triumph. The only thing that neither side could foresee was that there were others hovering among the stars, looking for new worlds to conquer!

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Interior text

All we want is your planet!

The inhabited galaxy was caught in the crushing vice of a struggle for power. The political titans of the planets of mankind were making their bids for supremacy.

The contestants: Counce, man of strange powers, authority in the spheres of the intellect; and Bassett, man of money-power, financial and business wizard.

As the association of human words drew near the teetering edge of internal revolutions, one of these men would be in a position to triumph. The only thing that neither side could foresee was that there were Others hovering among the stars, looking for new worlds to conquer!