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Of All Possible worlds

by William Tenn

Cover artist: Blanchard

Publisher: Ballantine

Pub year: 1960

Cover price: 35¢


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Cover tagline

Extraordinary science fiction stories

Back cover text

What reviewers have said about William Tenn...

"...combines humor, fantasy and science fiction with just the right amount of irony."
Hartford Courant

"Mordant and suave, cruel and clever, saturnine and sentimental."
The New York Times

"...imagination, embodying humor, thoughtfulness, satire, some horror, and above all entertainment."
Montgomery Advertiser

"...airily grim ... a shocking humorist..."

"Tenn is a writer of frank language, and startling endings. He is a real master of the art of surprise..."
Charlotte N.C. News

"...easily among the handful of top science fiction ans fantasy spellbinders. Yielding to none in imagination, ingenuity and wit, he's superior to most in an uncanny ability to horrify."
Buffalo Evening News

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Interior text

SUPPOSE ... a man who was blasted into our time from the future arrived without any clothes?

SUPPOSE ... a man who craved the love of a beautiful woman got too much of it?

SUPPOSE ... a conscientious young realtor refused to rent a floor in an office building because it didn't exist?

On such faintly horrifying, delightfully absurd speculations are some of these stories founded. With a keen satiric touch William Tenn uses his insight into contemporary life as a springboard into an absolutely believable, if slightly wacky, future.

Not all the stories are humorous. Some of them make deeply thoughtful comments on life (as does the unusual preface); but whether they tickle the funny bone, or stimulate the brain cells, they are all intensely fascinating reading.

William Tenn has been building a constantly increasing group of admirers through his many magazine appearances. This collection demonstrates clearly that he belongs in the forefront of our best science-fiction writers.