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Invaders from the Infinite

by John W. Campbell, Jr.

Cover artist: Gray Morrow

Publisher: Ace

Pub year: 1966

Cover price: 45¢


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Cover tagline

They sought the final secret of the universe

Back cover text

The alien spaceship was unthinkably huge, enormously powerful, apparently irresistible. It came from the void and settled on Earth, striking awe into the hearts of all who saw it. Its burden, however, was not conquest — but a call for help!

First contact was a job for the brilliant team of scientists, Arcot, Wade and Morey, explorers of the ISLANDS OF SPACE. And what they learned was an offer of an alliance against an invading foe so powerful that no known force could turn them back!

John W. Campbell's INVADERS FROM THE INFINITE is a veritable odyssey of the universe, exploring world after world, and uncovering cosmic secret after cosmic secret. Here is a classic novel of super-science that may never be surpassed.

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Interior text

Galaxies in the Balance

The famous scientific trio of Arcot, Wade and Morey, challenged by the most ruthless aliens in all the universes, blasted off on an intergalactic search for defenses against the invaders of Earth and all her allies.

World after world was visited, secret after secret unleashed, and turned to mighty weapons of intense force — and still the Thessian enemy seemed to grow in power and ferocity.

Mighty battles between huge space armadas were but skirmishes in the galactic war, as the invincible aliens savagely advanced and the Earth team hurled bolt after bolt of pure ravening energy — until it appeared that the universe itself might end in one final flare of furious torrential power....