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The Impossible Man

by J.G. Ballard

Cover artist: Richard Powers

Publisher: Berkley

Pub year: 1966

Cover price: 50¢


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Cover tagline

All new science fiction stories by the author of The Drowned World and The Wind From Nowhere

Back cover text

THE IMPOSSIBLE MAN is the eight book by J.G. Ballard to be published in the United States. Since the publication of his famous first two novels in 1962, The Wind From Nowhere and The Drowned World, no writer in modern science fiction has received higher acclaim from the critics:

"... the freshest new talent in science fiction since Brian Aldiss."
— Damon Knight

"Ballard is one of the brightest new stars in post-war fiction ... he may turn out to be one of the most imaginative of Wells's successors."
— Kingsley Amis

THE IMPOSSIBLE MAN gathers together nine of Ballard's most recent stories. A few samples:

In "The Drowned Giant" an enigmatic visitor is subjected to the various kindnesses of man....

In "The Impossible Man" the sinister world of "restorative surgery" is explored with frightening results....

In "The Screen Game" and "The Giaconda of the Twilight Noon" Ballard revists the strangely sinister land of Vermillion Sands....

Other books by J.G. Ballard you will want to read: Billenium, Passport to Eternity, Terminal Beach, The Burning World

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Interior text

In 1962:
The Wind From Nowhere
The Voices of Time
The Drowned World

In 1963:
Passport to Eternity

In 1964:
Terminal Beach
The Burning World

And now in 1966 Berkley is proud to publish the latest collection of stories by the writer who Kingsley Amis has called, "A science fiction author who can be judged by the highest standards."