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Fahrenheit 451

by Ray Bradbury

Cover artist: Joe Mugnaini

Publisher: Ballantine

Pub year: 1968

Cover price: 50¢


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"The finest American fantasist, Ray Bradbury, has produced another wonderful story ... superbly imagined ... a terrifying yet hopeful plot."
— Gilbert Highet, Harper's Magazine

"His longest sustained work, savage and shockingly prophetic ... filled with intimations of a time to come."
Washington, D.C. Times Herald

"Frightening in its implications ... Mr. Bradbury's account of this insane world, which bears many alarming resemblances to our own, is fascinating."
— Orville Prescott, New York Times

Acclaimed as a modern classic in the vein of Brave New World and 1984, Fahrenheit 451 is a major motion picture starring Oskar Werner and Julie Christie, and directed by Francois Truffaut.

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