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The Martian Chronicles

by Ray Bradbury

Cover artist unknown

Publisher: Bantam

Pub year: 1954

Cover price: 25¢


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Cover tagline

Mars — the new frontier — a masterly history of tomorrow's pioneers

Back cover text

"With this book science fiction comes of age..."
The Minneapolis Tribune

"...the biggest name in science-fiction is unquestionably that of ... Ray Bradbury ... The CHRONICLES is a book to delight not only the science-fiction fan but every general reader who can enjoy watching a master of the short story use the perspective of the future to sharpen his comments on humanity..."
Chicago Sun-Times

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Interior text

A modern science-fiction classic by an award winning author

They came from Ohio — Alabama — California...

Here is the fabulously exciting story of Americans of the not very distant future and of the great migrations to the planet Mars. It is the story of familiar people and familiar passions set against the incredible beauties and terrors of a new world.

It is a truly original book, difficult to put down — impossible to forget.