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The Man Who Sold the Moon

by Robert A. Heinlein

Cover artist unknown

Publisher: Signet

Pub year: 1959

Cover price: 35¢


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Book detail for The Man Who Sold the Moon

Cover tagline

Daring adventures of the bold men of tomorrow who seek their fortune — in outer space.

Back cover text


"Seven passengers for first scheduled flight to moon. Great opportunity for two married couples to set up permanent housekeeping in Luna City. Contact D.D. Harriman, Harriman Enterprises, immediately."

Here is your ticket to the fascinating world of the future — a world where energy from the sun will be converted directly into power; where all cars and trains will have disappeared to make way for a nation-wide network of rolling roads; where men will hunger for new worlds to conquer — and will reach for the stars.

"An extraordinary achievement." —Saturday Review

Robert A. Heinlein, dean of American science-fiction authors, is the man who has given modern science fiction authority, research and narrative skill. His books and short stories have brought him wide acclaim in the tradition of Jules Verne and H.G. Wells. Recent Signet editions include: The Door into Summer, The Green Hills of Earth, The Puppet Masters and Revolt in 2100.

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Interior text

New World Around the Corner

A shrewd band of industrial tycoons reach and capture the moon...

A pair of young scientists discover how to harness solar power...

Rolling roads replace all forms of surface transportation in the United States...

The man who pioneered inter-stellar travel finally sets foot on the moon...

Robert A. Heinlein spans the amazing years of the near future and weaves a tale of a world in transition when brave and daring men set out to conquer the stars.

"Recommended to readers and writers alike as sterling specimens of what science-fiction can and should be."
—Chicago Sun Times