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Great Stories of Space Travel

Edited by Groff Conklin

Cover artist unknown

Publisher: Tempo

Pub year: 1963

Cover price: 50¢


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Cover tagline

Explore the wonders of outer space with 11 masters of science fiction: Poul Anderson, Isaac Asimov, Jerome Bixby, Ray Bradbury, Arthur C. Clarke, Lester Del Rey, Damon Knight, Murray Leinster, Eric Frank Russell, A.E. Van Vogt, Jack Vance

Back cover text

IMPOSSIBLE? Don't Be So Sure!

As the "realm of the possible" expands at an almost frightening rate, the tales of the best science fiction writers become more than merely imagination-inspired.

Voyaging to the stars, discovering life forms there which seem, at first, inconceivable to us oxygen-breathers, may well occur in this or not-too-distant generations. What might those intrepid explorers of the solar system and beyond encounter? Here are the speculations, some terrifying, some delightful, all thought-provoking, by science fiction's greatest writers.

Lester Del Rey: The Wings of Night
Jerome Bixby: The Holes Around Mars
Ray Bradbury: Kaleidoscope
Jack Vance: I'll Build Your Dream Castle
A.E. Van Vogt: Far Centaurus
Murray Leinster: Propagandist
Damon Knight: Cabin Boy
Arthur C. Clarke: A Walk in the Dark
Isaac Asimov: Blind Alley
Poul Anderson: The Helping Hand
Eric Frank Russell: Allamagoosa

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Interior text

Great Stories of Space Travel

It Hasn't Happened...Not Yet.

But who knows in the years to come what strange things will confront those brave Earthlings who dare to invade the far reaches of outer space ... and beyond?

Mind now, there is no certainty that the seemingly fantastic things you will read in this book will come true ... but no one can prove that they will not. No one, that is, except one who has journeyed into time and space and has returned, alive, to tell about it.

Have you been there? Do you know? For sure?

If not, take this journey into the distant worlds of the unknown future. It will be the experience of a lifetime. (Lifetime? Quaint expression.) Let us go then, and don't be afraid. There is no danger ... nothing can happen ... don't be afra....