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Astounding Tales of Space and Time

Edited by John W. Campbell, Jr.

Cover artist: Paul Lehr

Publisher: Berkley

Pub year: 1964

Cover price: 50¢


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The World of Astounding

Here is the twin volume to Berkley's previously published Astounding Science Fiction Anthology — another superb collection of the best in modern science fiction by such writers as Theodore Sturgeon, Murray Leinster, Eric Frank Russell, and many others.

Again the magazine's editor, John W. Campbell, Jr. has picked for this anthology a selection of his own personal favorites — stories that are second to none in today's crowded SF spectrum.

"John W. Campbell of Astounding is unquestionably the most important editor in the history of science fiction to date."
— H.H. Holmes,
New York Times

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Interior text

Truly Astounding...

Here are a few samples from the pages of Astounding Tales of Space and Time:

A brilliant, renegade Earth Man who faces the most important decision of his life on a war-fleet in interstellar space...

A space pilot marooned on a lost planet who discovers the most awe inspiring secret of the universe...

The most peculiar motion picture machine in the entire history of the world...