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Space Station #1

by Frank Belknap Long

Cover artist: Ed Emshwiller

Publisher: Ace

Pub year: 1957

Cover price: 35¢


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Book detail for Space Station #1

Cover tagline

Beware the masks of Mars!

Back cover text

Part of Ace Double: Empire of the Atom

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Interior text

Intrigue in Earth's Outer Orbit

Tremendous and glittering, the Space Station floated up out of the Big Dark. Lieutenant Corriston had come to see its marvels, but he soon found himself entrapped in its unsuspected terrors.

For the grim reality was that some deadly outer-space power had usurped control of the great artificial moon. A lovely woman had disappeared; passengers were being fleeced and enslaved; and, using fantastic disguises, imposters were using the Station for their own mysterious ends.

Pursued by unearthly monsters and hunted with super-scientific cunning, Corriston struggles to unmask the mystery. For upon his success depended his life, his love and the future of Earth itself.

Cast of characters

He saw all the sights of the Space Station ... in fact, he saw too much....

His decision would mean the beginning or the end for a world.

This bodyguard needed special protection himself.

Sometimes it seemed as if he were leading a double life.

With him for a friend one didn't need an enemy.

Helen Ramsey
Her father had made her a virtual prisoner.