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Dr. Cyclops

by Henry Kuttner

Cover artist unknown

Publisher: Popular Library

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Cover price: 60¢


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Cover tagline

Thrilling science fiction classic — a crazed scientist masters and unearthly power ...

Also: Too Late for Eternity by Bryce Walton and The Harpers of Titan, a Captain Future story by Edmond Hamilton

Back cover text

Three daring journeys into the future of man an the universe

Dr. Cyclops by Henry Kuttner
A brilliant scientists learns to reduce humans to Lilliputian size and finds the perfect guinea pigs when three colleagues try to discover his secret

Too Late for Eternity by Bryce Walton
A man fears growing old — and being replaced in a female-dominated society where women never age

The Harpers of Titan by Edmond Hamilton
Captain Future and his Futuremen face a hideous peril as Simon Wright, the living brain, is implanted in a human body

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Interior text

People transformed into microscopic creatures ...

Dr. Bulfinch, Bill Stockton, beautiful Mary Phillips, and the Mexican, Pedro, did not remember what had happened after the furious scientist caught them snooping in his secret room.

Now they did not know where they were. They rose, shakily, breathing in great gasps. Everything was dark.

"Where are we?" Mary cried out.

Suddenly horror grew in Pedro's eyes as he remembered something. He gasped, "He made my Pinto, the mule, little. Now I know ... He has made us little like my mule..."