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Space Platform

by Murray Leinster

Cover artist unknown

Publisher: Belmont

Pub year: 1965

Cover price: 50¢


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Book detail for Space Platform

Cover tagline

This is it! Ripped from tomorrow's headlines!

Back cover text

Reach for the Stars

We now accept space travel as a reality, but what of a city in space, built on an ever suspended platform?

Joe Kenmore thought his job was going to be a small one on this project: just installing gyroscopes. He hadn't counted on a beautiful woman, a superhumanly powerful Indian and a midget whose mind functioned like an electronic brain.

Murray Leinster is one of the world's top science fiction writers — this incredibly prophetic book will show you why.

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Interior text

There wasn't anything underneath but the clouds, and nothing overhead but the sky—

Suddenly threads of white smoke appeared, silhouetted against the silvery metal of an approaching craft. They were not misty wisps of vapor; they were dense, sharply defined rocket trails.

The pilot watched grimly, helplessly. "That craft shot rockets at us. If they're guided we're stuck."