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The Best of Henry Kuttner

by Henry Kuttner

Cover artist unknown

Publisher: Ballantine

Pub year: 1975

Cover price: $1.95


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The Best of Henry Kuttner

"A sampling of Kuttner from fantasy to science fiction and all stages in between ... first-degree entertainment!"
—Saturday Review of Literature

Here in one superlative volume 17 science-fiction tales by a master storyteller.

Mimsy Were the Borogoves
Scott and Emma seemed to be ordinary children — until they found a strange box of toys!

The Proud Robot
Never was there an inventor quite like Gallagher; he did his best work when drunk, but could never remember what he invented when he sobered up!

The Misguided Halo
A young and inexperienced angel accidentally bestowed a halo on the wrong man — and then the trouble began!

Or Else
An extraterrestrial visitor tried to make peace between two Mexican peasants feuding over a waterhole — with disastrous results!

Exit the Professor
What a family — those Hogbens! Survivors of the fabled Atlantis, these hillbillies used telekinesis, teleportation an telepathy to make their way in the 20th Century!

—Plus 12 more....

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Interior text

Kuttner's Best

"If you have arrived at this book and look to Kuttner for religious instruction, secular improvement, or moral renovation, save with certain exceptions, you had best retreat to forms of navel-lint plucking with which the sophomores of the world bug each other. Kuttner will not kick, bite, beat — much less hug, kiss or improve you. And thank God for that!"
—From the Introduction by Ray Bradbury

"The author's best quality is his irreverence, which delights and scandalizes...!"

—Chicago Tribune