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The Demolished Man

by Alfred Bester

Cover artist: Stanley Meltzoff

Publisher: Signet

Pub year: 1954

Cover price: 25¢


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Book detail for The Demolished Man

Cover tagline

Master Mind-Readers Rule Tomorrow's World!

Back cover text

24th Century Killer

This is a fascinating thriller of life in 2301 — when a powerful, ruthless killer pits the resources of his vast interplanetary empire against the uncanny crime detection methods of a corps of psychiatrically trained mind-readers who make escape from justice impossible!

"This terrifically exciting novel is just about the best ever written...."
— Chicago Tribune

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Interior text

One Man Against the Universe

This is a thrilling story of the world of the future — and one man's struggle to outwit an interplanetary police force whose mind-reading detectives make escape from justice impossible.

In the year 2301, Ben Reich, owner of the most powerful business in the solar system, kills a man in order to save himself from ruin.

In his ruthless fight to conceal his crime from the terrifying masters of the universe — strange people called Espers who read men's minds in order to determine their guilt — Reich encounters a formidable opponent, Lincoln Powell. Powell, an Esper leader in love with a girl Reich has hurt, is convinced of his guilt and determined to trap him in order to save the future of the universe!

This is the most compelling science fiction novel ever written. It's a fantastic manhunt in the 24th century, that describes the frightening way of life which may well typify the world of tomorrow, and the handful of men and women who possess the magic quality that makes them the guardians of the future.