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City at World's End

by Edmond Hamilton

Cover artist: Richard Powers

Publisher: Fawcett Crest

Pub year: 1951

Cover price: 35¢


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Cover tagline

In one split second they were hurled across time into a world a million years away

Back cover text

Then the sky split open

One moment Kenniston was strolling down the quiet street, lost in pleasant reverie. The next moment the sky split open!

It split wide open, and above them was a burn and a blaze of light — so swift, so violent, that the air itself seemed to have burst into flame.

Then there was silence — awful, suffocating silence.

Kenniston felt the chill of premonition — a shapeless terror that grew into a thing too evil to be borne alone.

This novel describes the shocking experience of a group of ordinary people, catapulted by a mysterious explosion into the terrifyingly strange world of a million years hence. It is not a prophecy — but a warning!

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Interior text

The story you are about to read is not true — NOT YET!

Yet the fact remains that man today is playing a dangerous game with forces beyond his control.

In an atomic war the stake is not cities, or even civilization — but humanity itself!

Scientists caution us to remember that of the host of apelike beings which evolved during the earliest prehistoric periods only four survived. Of the man-ape creatures that developed later only a handful were around when the Ice Age commenced. And of the few that started on that final lap, just one survived. "Can it be," asked the eminent biologist N.J. Berrill, "that we are living out the rhyme of the 'Ten Little Indians' with only one to go?"

CITY AT WORLD'S END by Edmond Hamilton, in of the top science fictioneers, is more than a story. It is a tantalizing and dramatic guess about our unguessable future.