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The Unknown 5

Edited by D.R. Bensen

Cover artist: John Schoenherr

Publisher: Pyramid

Pub year: 1964

Cover price: 50¢


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Book detail for The Unknown 5

Cover tagline

Never before in book form — masterworks of fiction by Alfred Bester, Theodore Sturgeon, Cleve Cartmill [and] Jane Rice, and the first publication anywhere of a story by Isaac Asimov

Back cover text

In this second collection from the famous Unknown Magazine, we present top-notch stories which have never appeared before in book form:

Theodore Sturgeon
with a very human treatment of a very inhuman denizen of the swamp...

Alfred Bester's
long-remembered story of the personal hells reserved for those who meddle with dark powers...

Cleve Cartmill's
chilling — and unique — dialogue with death...

Jane Rice
and a story of crime, magic, and a revenge that reached beyond the grave...

And, in its long-delayed first publication,
Isaac Asimov's
sardonic look at the dangers of writing too convincingly.

Ranging from humor to horror and back again, these outstanding authors present modern fantasy at its best and most compelling.

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Interior text

Who Knows...

...The evil that lurks in a pleasure-mad crew in search of sensations appalling and new?
...A gangster's emotion of horror and dread that comes when his victim just will not stay dead?
...The dangers of making a bargain with death?
...The plight of a writer who feels the hot breath of fictional characters warming his back?
...The horrors that dwell in a witch-woman's sack?

Who knows? At the moment, the authors herein; but you can find out — just buy, and begin.