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One Against Herculum

by Jerry Sohl

Cover artist: Ed Emshwiller

Publisher: Ace

Pub year: 1959

Cover price: 35¢


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Book detail for One Against Herculum

Cover tagline

He licensed the right to kill

Back cover text

Part of Ace Double: Secret of the Lost Race

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Interior text

Legal assassin of the starways

Corruption was the rule of order on the doomed planet colony of Herculum. Earthman Alan Demuth, for instance, couldn't get the job he had rightfully qualified for without paying a kickback to the man he hated, Jack Bohannen. Alan thought he could simply report Jack's graft, until he learned none would listen.

There was one desperate recourse. Under provision of the law, Alan could ask for a crime license. His crime would be homicide, and the victim Jack Bohannen. The law gave him twenty-four hours to make good his murder.

Failure would mean Alan's death. Success would mean the clean-up of graft and dishonesty. But Alan never realized that in a graft-ridden society, even a license to kill is liable to prove a backfiring fraud!