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Sos the Rope

by Piers Anthony

Cover artist: Jack Gaughan

Publisher: Pyramid

Pub year: 1968

Cover price: 60¢


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Book detail for Sos the Rope

Cover tagline

A super-warrior walks the world — armed with the power to save mankind — or destroy it

Back cover text

Earth's demon

They call him Sos — a man mightier in strength and spirit than the greatest warriors of post-Blast legend. His past is shrouded in enigma, but now he wanders the earth, writing a heritage in blood and bravery.

To some, he is savior; to others, agent of cataclysm. One man alone bears the terrible curse of his friendship. Two mortal women share his doom-driven love.

Yet only Sos knows the ultimate purpose of his strange, violent mission on earth: save mankind — or destroy it forever.

Vivid, dramatic, and compelling in its blending of adventurous narrative and speculation, SOS THE ROPE was the unanimous choice of the judges to receive the $5000 Pyramid Publications/Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction/Kent Productions Science Fiction Novel Award. Piers Anthony is one of the brightest new names in the field of science fiction, and has won considerable notice with his recent novel CHTHON.

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Interior text

Circle of doom

Sol was the only man on all earth that Sos called friend. They had fought together in the early days, when the Empire had been less that a dream, and side by side they had built its glory with their own pain and courage.

Now they stood opposite each other in the great Circle, Sol and Sos, the Leaders — men who had shared the same dream, borne the same banner, loved the same woman. Sos saw the anguish burning hard in Sol's eyes and knew his own eyes mirrored them.

For this was mortal combat, a fight to the death in which a warrior must be sacrificed — murdered by the one man for whom he would gladly forfeit his own life.