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The War of the Worlds

by H.G. Wells

Cover artist: Richard Powers

Publisher: Popular Library

Pub year: 1962

Cover price: 50¢


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Cover tagline

The most famous novel of a world-renowned author — a story so chillingly real it sent 20th century Americans screaming into the streets

Back cover text

The story so real it sent 20th century Americans screaming into the streets

Here is a novel of the future so durable, so real, that four decades after it was written, a radio presentation by Orson Welles caused a national near-panic.

H.G. Wells, world-famed novelist and historian, was the first to combine high literary imagination with scientific prophecies of the future. Today, his imagination — and his prophecies — have the same, if not greater, power to send a cold chill running up the spine.

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Interior text

The War of the Worlds has become a classic in the field of imaginative literature, and, along with such famous books as The Invisible Man, established H.G. Wells as the acknowledged master of what we now call science fiction ...

"Wells is a prophet, and in the inspirational and hortatory work of a prophet he does well ... He is also a literary artist of astounding deftness."
— The New York Times

"Wells is always immensely brilliant ... suggestive ... stimulating."
— The Bookman

"Mr. Wells is not an author to take lightly. He has left upon his time what very few writers leave — and that is, an impression."
— Saturday Review