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The Outlaws of Mars

by Otis Adelbert Kline

Cover artist unknown

Publisher: Ace

Pub year: 1961

Cover price: 35¢


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Cover tagline

Interplanetary adventure in the best Edgar Rice Burroughs tradition

Back cover text

Edgar Rice Burroughs couldn't have written it better! That's what tens of thousands of "Tarzan" and "John Carter" readers say of Otis Adelbert Kline.

In The Outlaws of Mars Kline once again presents an interplanetary novel packed with daring Earthmen, beautiful princesses, terrifying monsters, and hairbreadth adventures.

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Interior text

Derring-do in a world of alien dangers

Interplanetary adventure in the grand old style was never better handled than by Otis Adelbert Kline. And in THE OUTLAWS OF MARS he has written a thrilling novel that will thrill every science-fiction adventure reader.

Jerry Morgan, fed up with Earthly frustrations, found plenty to occupy him when he swapped bodies with a hot-headed Martian from that red planet's era of glory. For Jerry's first moment there involved him in a costly mistake which was to throw him into conflict not only with the forces of evil and Mars' many monsters but also against the trained weapons of a haughty empire!

THE OUTLAWS OF MARS is out-of-this-world excitement.