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Silent Running

by Harlan Thompson

Cover artist unknown

Publisher: Scholastic Book Services

Pub year: 1972

Cover price: 75¢


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Silent Running

The great ship plunges on through the tides of space. Inside, an anguished man ponders what to do. Unless he murders his friends, the children of Earth are doomed to an eternity of sterile dust. Never again will flowers bud and blossom. Never again will arching trees shade and shelter. And if he kills his shipmates, what then? Marooned in outer space, will there be a future for him or the forest?

A fantastic look at the world beyond 2001!

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Interior text

The great ship plunges on through space. Inside, an anguished man ponders his alternatives. Shall he murder his friends or murder the forest? Are there other options? He must decide quickly ... time is running out.