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by Mary Shelley

Cover artist unknown

Publisher: Pyramid

Pub year: 1964

Cover price: 35¢


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Book detail for Frankenstein

Cover tagline

The famous story of the inhuman creature who lurks forever in the human imagination

Back cover text

Horror stalked the night

A monster had been loosed upon the world — an artificial creature, superhumanly strong, inhumanly vicious. His creator knew he must track it down and destroy it — halt its career of terror and murder.

And as Victor Frankenstein, the mad scientist, pursued his destiny through the night, he heard the echo of the monster's fearful threat — "I'll be with you on your wedding night!"

This drama of the supernatural, of perverted science, of evil and the mysteries beyond man's knowledge, has no equal in the literature of the world.

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Interior text

The Monster Wakes

It was one o'clock in the morning. The artificial body I had constructed with such care lay lifeless before me. My goal was almost in sight.

I arranged my apparatus. I began, this time in earnest, the operations I had so often practiced.

The heavy lids rose from listless, yellow eyeballs. The huge chest rose and fell. The crude, powerful hands moved spasmodically. The monster breathed!

I, Victor Frankenstein, had achieved what many men had tried and failed. I had created life!