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World's Best Science Fiction 1967

Edited by Donald A. Wollheim and Terry Carr

Cover artist: Jack Gaughan

Publisher: Ace

Pub year: 1967

Cover price: 75¢


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Cover tagline

The finest stories of modern science fiction by: Roger Zelazny, Frederik Pohl, Philip K. Dick, Brian W. Aldiss, Avram Davidson, and many others.

Back cover text

The annual series of the WORLD'S BEST SCIENCE FICTION, providing the only up-to-date selection in paperbacks of the most exciting current s-f, gains in stature and acclaim with each year.

In their third edition, the editors have chosen a dozen fascinating tales of strange worlds and peoples — including two new novelettes by s-f sensation Roger Zelazny, and a memorable complete novella about a time traveler's quest for the historic Christ, here published for the first time in America.

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Interior text

WORLD'S BEST SCIENCE FICTION: 1967 contains possibly the most unique collection of sf stories ever assembled in one book.

In it you will enter the world just around the corner — the illusive and fantastic corner of time:

The future millennia away — when Man is extinct and only his computers and robots roam the Earth, in senseless mechanical patterns, worshipping the long-dead race that created them....

Or the reverse corollary — when future Man worships the computer, and each man has a personal god who answers his prayers, even though Man has found the key to immortality....

Throughout this marvelous realm of the new science fiction one theme is outstanding: How might any of countless alternative futures affect Man — affect you...?