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A Martian Odyssey

by Stanley G. Weinbaum

Cover artist: Robert E. Schultz

Publisher: Lancer

Pub year: 1966

Cover price: 50¢


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Cover tagline

"Incomparable" — E.E. Smith, Ph.D.
"Originality, intelligence and humor" — L. Sprague De Camp

Back cover text

"Weinbaum exploded on the science-fiction world with the impact of a 100-megaton bomb with his first story, 'A Martian Odyssey' ... [His stories] were all interplanetary adventures with original plots, crisp, believable dialogue, and mature and human love interests ... Weinbaum endowed us with alien entities that were truly alien."
— Alva Rogers

Five rare examples of the unmatched genius of the immortal Stanley G. Weinbaum are now available again in this handsome, inexpensive edition:

A Martian Odyssey
The Adaptive Ultimate
The Lotus Eaters
Proteus Island
The Brink of Infinity

Selected and with an introduction by Sam Moskowitz.

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Interior text

One of the most promising writers to appear during the mid-thirties was a young Chicagoan named Stanley G. Weinbaum. His first story, "A Martian Odyssey," was hailed for its originality, intelligence, and humor — the last a quality sadly rare in science fiction. He followed it with several sequels, with stories on other themes, and with a full-length novel, The Black Flame. And then, when it looked as though Weinbaum would surely take first place among science-fictioneers, he suddenly died in 1936 [at the age of thirty-three].
— L. Sprague De Camp,
Science-Fiction Handbook

Lancer books is proud to present the five Weinbaum stories in this collection. They are classics for good reason: they are among the most imaginative, most lively, and most warmly human of stories ever written.