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Edited by Groff Conklin

Cover artist unknown

Publisher: Avon

Pub year: 1959

Cover price: 35¢


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Book detail for BR-R-R-!

Cover tagline

Ten tales to chill you to the bone!

Back cover text


— You'll shudder when you meet:

The Monster Worm that took 200 years to come up from the depths of the damned — it hated mankind!

The Beetle from Hell whose stinger brought slow, excruciating death — its evil eyes held the promise of something even worse!

The Living Corpse that commanded a graveyard. It sentenced a mortician to the bubbling bowels of hell!

And in "Legal Rights", Isaac Asimov relates the fascinating — and gory — story of a blood-dripping specter fighting for its right to haunt a house. Asimov flavors pure horror with a unique brand of fantastic humor.

These are some of the blood-curdling, heart-pounding messengers of horror to be found in these bloodstained pages of evil!

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Interior text

Ten stories of terror — by ten masters of horror!


These pages literally crawl with diabolical people, macabre places and — above all — things.


The first page will horrify, the second will terrify — and then you're caught. All you can do is read on....