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The Best of Jack Williamson

by Jack Williamson

Cover artist: Ralph McQuarrie

Publisher: Ballantine

Pub year: 1978

Cover price: $1.95


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Back cover text

The starsweeping sagas of Jack Williamson

Nonstop to Mars
A battered, old airplane made its bizarre last flight...and made a most successful landing on another planet!

With Folded Hands
The robots met every human need and left mankind with nothing whatever to do.

The Happiest Creature
He had a woman to brutalize and an enemy to kill...what more could anyone want?

That was the high spot of the least for those who came back from the celebration!

The Highest Dive
The freak winds of the impossible planet snatched him 100 miles into the air...and then the adventure really began!

The questing mind and storytelling power of Jack Williamson have given science fiction some of its most memorable writing from its very beginning — and these 14 stories show this Grand Master of science fiction at his provocative and Protean best.

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Interior text

At your service...

Underhill looked around for a salesman, but it was another mechanical that came gliding silently to meet him. A twin of the one in the window, it moved with a quick, surprising grace. Bronze and blue lights flowered over its lustrous blackness, and yellow name-plate flashed from its naked breast:

Serial No. 81-H-B-27
The Perfect Mechanical
"To Serve and Obey, And GUARD MEN FROM HARM."

Curiously, it had no lenses. The eyes in its bald oval head were steel-colored, blindly staring. Yet it stopped a few feet in front of him, as if it could see anyhow, and it spoke to him in a high, melodious voice.

"At your service, Mr. Underhill."

And that was the beginning of the end!