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The Other Side of the Sky

by Arthur C. Clarke

Cover artist unknown

Publisher: Signet

Pub year: 1959

Cover price: 35¢


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Cover tagline

Breathtaking adventures on the first outposts in space

Back cover text

Future Unlimited

What happens when some Tibetan monks buy an electronic computer to speed-up the labor of the ages...

A space-ship pilot's embarrassing love affair with a girl from an alien planet...

The secrets behind the first American, British and Russian flights to the moon...

Platforms in space, expeditions into the unexplored universe, and the habits and problems of men and women who live in unbounded worlds — these are some of the fascinating themes of the stories in this new collection by one of the masters of science fiction.

"Sound science along with good fun ... eerie little spine ticklers."
— Time

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Interior text

Beyond the horizon

The Other Side of the Sky — life on the moon, a stretch in a space-station, romance on distant planets — these ingredients of life in the fabulous future are brilliantly woven into extraordinary stories that combine scientific knowledge with literary excellence.

Arthur Clarke, one of the most distinguished science-fiction writers in the world and a noted scientist in his own right, has blended imagination and fantasy into suspenseful entertainment that previews the world of tomorrow.

"His books and articles on both science fiction and fact are already becoming classics in their field. The stories are a sheer delight."
— Christian Science Monitor

"Mr. Clarke has not only imagination but common sense ... having in mind that trip to the moon, you can learn here, in half a dozen stories, what to expect when you get there."
— New York Herald Tribune